In 2019, I received my Spirit Name Neu Uasstessiu Nipish_woman of the Four Colours of Fall __ and my clan, the Eagle Clan. When we receive our Spirit name, it is our life’s mission to give honour to our name and realize its full potential, growing and learning as we go and to let ourselves be guided by Spirit. 

The inspiration for Kisisâm came soon after.  Kisisâm in my language means “she who bakes with fire”.  My eyes were now wide open.  That flower or plant or fungi now spoke to me, unveiling their gifts one by one and how they were used by my ancestors as food or medicine.  My heart and mind were on a journey of discovery.  People came into my life that shared the same core values and my love for locally-sourced and foraged ingredients. I wanted to share that with others and this led me to finding my path__ with pastries inspired by my Indigenous roots, let people experience the art of Indigenous storytelling baked into every bite!

I am still early in my journey.  I opened Kisisâm officially in the summer of 2023.  I thank the Creator every day for the many blessings and helping me bring the voices of my ancestors forward. 

Chi Meegwetch!




My name is Dominique Lalonde I am an Oji-Cree First Nation Indigenous Pastry Chef from Sachigo Lake with over 20 years experience in the industry. Graduated from Cordon Bleu Ottawa School of Culinary Arts in 2010. After having lost my grand-parents during Covid my spirit led me back to the Forest. Venturing into nature photography, I came to discover this hidden world that surrounds us. Opening my body, mind and soul to listen to the teachings of my ancestors bringing me closer to discovering Kîsisam.

  • Kîsisam in our Oji-Cree language translates to

    “ She who bakes by fire”

  • The Kîsisam Boutique is located in the heart of “ La Petite Nation”

    133 rue Principale, Saint-Andre-Avellin, Québec J0V 1W0

    You can also find Kîsisam at your local market in Ripon on Saturdays and in Hull of Thursdays, from May to October.

    You can find us online year round with Marché de l’Outaouais. See link at the top of this Page.

  • YES! Kîsisam is for all to Experience and is open to all ages, from the youngest to the oldest.

    We strive to make everyone feel included, welcomed and comfortable in our space.

